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I found the key, but I can't figure out where the door is.

You must follow the guidance of the Swiss cheese men

(1 edit)

Ok, thanks. Got the door version now-- my problem before was I never noticed the third swiss cheese man and so thought you were supposed to go in a straight line through the second one, which obviously never worked.  A little weird that the ending is the same either way, but still neat.

I did have plans to make unique endings, but did not have time. Thanks for playing :)

Hey man, excellent game! I actually found the key and the door. Honestly loved it. If you get a chance, please check out my video where I play the entire Pc Cursed Demo Disc. Timestamps in description!



Dear developer, check out a video about your game that has been included into Scream Jam 2023 Highlights video! Hope, you will like it.

nice retro

Loved it. I beat the hell outta that flying shit hehe

glad you had fun! :D you should stay tuned, we are working on a big update that will add/improve alot to the game!

Liked it, concept is atmospheric!

I really liked the game. The sprites especially seem well made :D.

Nice game! I liked playing it and I liked that it made on my favorite game engine.
I made my honest video review about this spooky game.